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Endangered Threads Documentaries

Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

Weavers in Tactíc, as in other areas of Guatemala, are often capable of weaving many different styles, both in design and weight, providing clothing for the warm summer and cold damp winter months.

This large loom in the headquarters of Nu'Kem Association of Weavers in Tactic is used to produce table runners, placemats and large tablecloths for the tourist market.  Photo by Margot Blum Schevill 2005.

This large loom in the headquarters of Nu'Kem Association of Weavers in Tactic is used to produce table runners, placemats and large tablecloths for the tourist market. Photo by Margot Blum Schevill 2005.

This textile shows bands of twisted open weave that alternate with bands of plain weave into which supplementary weft designs of ducks are woven.  Photo by Kathleen Mossman Vitale 2005.

This textile shows bands of twisted open weave that alternate with bands of plain weave into which supplementary weft designs of ducks are woven. Photo by Kathleen Mossman Vitale 2005.

Lilian Elizabeth Cahuec Buv alternates bands of a twisted open weave with bands of plain weave, into which are added rows of ribbon.  She is weaving for Chilám, a European export organization. Photo by Margot Blum Schevill 2005.

Lilian Elizabeth Cahuec Buv alternates bands of a twisted open weave with bands of plain weave, into which are added rows of ribbon. She is weaving for Chilám, a European export organization. Photo by Margot Blum Schevill 2005.

Doña Flor Xoc, president of Nu'Kem Association of Weavers in Tactic and Tamahú in Alta Verapaz, shows off a heavy cotton huipil she wove several years ago.  Photo by Margot Blum Schevill 2005.

Doña Flor Xoc, president of Nu'Kem Association of Weavers in Tactic and Tamahú in Alta Verapaz, shows off a heavy cotton huipil she wove several years ago. Photo by Margot Blum Schevill 2005.

Locations in Alta Verapaz:

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